Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee

Agenda Item 27


Subject:                    Parking Scheme Update


Date of meeting:    20 September 2022


Report of:                 Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture


Contact Officer:      Name: Catherine Dignan

                                    Tel: 01273 292235

                                    Email: catherine.dignan@brighton-hove.gov.uk


Ward(s) affected:   Rottingdean Coastal, Hangleton & Knoll, Hollingbury & Stanmer, Withdean and Hanover & Elm Grove.



For general release



1.            Purpose of the report and policy context


1.1         The purpose of this report is to update the Committee on the progress of recent resident parking scheme consultations.


1.2      This report outlines the findings of the recent consultation with residents in the Roedean, Hallyburton Road, Hollingdean, Withdean Road and Top Triangle Areas.


2.            Recommendations


2.1         That the Committee having taken account of the low response rate to the consultation agrees to end the consultation process with no controlled parking zone being implemented to the Roedean area.


2.2         That the Committee having taken account of all duly made representations            and comments, agrees to proceed to the next stage of advertising a Traffic   Regulation Order for the Hallyburton Road area as detailed in this report for a light touch parking scheme Monday to Friday 11am to 12pm and 6pm to 7pm.


2.3         That the Committee having taken account of all duly made representations and comments, agrees to proceed to the next stage with a detailed design for a full scheme in the smaller area within Hollingdean.


2.4         That the Committee having taken account of all duly made representations and comments, agrees to proceed to the next stage of the detailed design for the Withdean Road area.





2.5         That the Committee having taken account of all duly made representations and comments, agrees to proceed to the next stage of advertising a Traffic Regulation Order for the Top Triangle Area (Arnold Street, Baxter Street, Carlyle Street, Cromwell Street, Lynton Street) as detailed in this report so the area is moved into Zone S, Monday to Friday, 11am to Noon and 6pm to 7pm.


3.            Context and background information


3.1       The parking scheme consultations were undertaken in accordance with the parking scheme priority timetable programme that was agreed at ETS Committee in November 2021 following various petitions and deputations received at this Committee.


4.            Analysis and consideration of alternative options


4.1         The main alternative options are doing nothing which would mean that the various parking scheme consultations/reviews would not be taken forward or consulting on a different option.


4.2         It is, however, recommended by officers to proceed with the recommendations for the reasons that are outlined within the report.


5.            Community engagement and consultation


Roedean Area


5.1      Following ETS approval on 8 October 2019, a letter was sent out to households in the Roedean area in 2021. The consultation was also advertised on the council’s website, via social media and by a press-release to local media. The results outlined that 80% of respondents were in favour of a resident’s parking scheme in the area based on a 26% response rate.


5.2      Following ETS approval on 15th March 2022, it was agreed to write to residents and businesses in the Roedean area to find out if there was support for a Light Touch Residents Parking scheme Monday to Friday.


5.3      Brighton & Hove City Council Land and Property Gazetteer was used to provide 389 property address in the Roedean area. A frequently asked question sheet and the detailed design was sent to each address. Respondents were invited to complete the survey online via the council’s Consultation Portal, but paper copies were available to anyone should they need it. All responses were received online. The consultation ran from 6th June to 10th July 2022. A summary of the results is shown in the table below.


Number of properties mailed


Consultation response rate

42 (11%)

Support for a residents parking scheme

31 (74%)

Against a parking scheme

11 (26%)

Preferred 11am-12pm & 6-7pm

23 (59%)

Requested different hours

16 (41%)


5.4      Analysis undertaken of all the responses received from respondents and the full results analysis of the consultation including road-by-road results and area plan is outlined in Appendix A.


5.5      If a light-touch scheme were to be introduced in the Roedean area, it is unlikely to be self-funding due to the high levels of off-street parking available and therefore permit subscription would be extremely low. This scheme would be at a cost to the Council considering infrastructure, ongoing enforcement, maintenance and administration costs.


5.6      Minor changes such as no waiting restrictions will be considered and if required will be included in a future Traffic Regulation Order.


5.7       Officers have contacted Rottingdean Ward Councillors who are aware that the consultation process had taken place and the results.


Hallyburton Road Area


5.8       Following ETS approval on 8 October 2019, A letter was sent out to households in the Hallyburton Road area in November 2021. The consultation was also advertised on the council’s website, via social media and by a press-release to local media. The results outlined that 73% of respondents were in favour of a Resident’s Parking Scheme in the area based on a 24% response rate.


5.9      Following ETS approval on 15th March 2022, it was agreed to write to residents and businesses in the Hallyburton Road area to find out if there was support for a Light Touch Residents Parking scheme Monday to Friday.


5.10    Brighton & Hove City Council Land and Property Gazetteer was used to provide 408 property address in the Hallyburton Road area. A frequently asked question sheet and the detailed design was sent to each address. Respondents were invited to complete the survey online via the council’s Consultation Portal, but paper copies were available to anyone should they need it. 1 (1.4%) response was received by mail and 68 (98.6%) online. The consultation ran from 6th June to 10th July 2022. A summary of the results is shown in the table below.


Number of properties mailed


Consultation response rate

69 (17%)

Support for a residents parking scheme

42 (61%)

Against a parking scheme

27 (39%)

Preferred 11am-12pm & 6-7pm

38 (63%)

Requested different hours

22 (37%)


5.11    Analysis undertaken of all the responses received from respondents and the full results analysis of the including road-by-road results and area plan is outlined in Appendix B.


5.12    Officers provided the Hangleton & Knoll Ward Councillors with the results of the consultation via email.


Hollingdean Area


5.13    The Following ETS approval on 8 October 2019, it was agreed to consult with residents and businesses in the Hollingdean area to find out if there was support for a residents parking scheme in this area.


5.14    Brighton & Hove City Council Land and Property Gazetteer was used to provide 3585 property address in the Hollingdean area. A questionnaire and frequently asked question sheet was sent to each address. Respondents were invited to complete the survey online via the council’s Consultation Portal, but paper copies were available to anyone should they need it. 1062 responses (98.1%) were received online, and 21 responses (1.9%) were received by mail. The consultation ran from 1 April to 6 May 2022. A summary of the results is shown in the table below.


Number of properties mailed


Consultation response rate

1053 (29%)

Support for a residents parking scheme

554 (53%)

Against a parking scheme

499 (47%)

Preferred a full scheme

389 (45%)

Preferred a light-touch scheme

468 (55%)

Preferred Monday to Friday

411 (47%)

Preferred Monday to Sunday

458 (53%)


5.15    Analysis undertaken of all the responses received from respondents and the full results analysis of the consultation including road-by-road results and area plan is outlined in Appendix C.


5.16    Based on the results of the consultation officers are recommending a smaller area be taken forward for a detailed design consultation for a full scheme operating Monday to Sunday 9am to 8pm as shown in Appendix D. A summary of the results is shown in the table below.


Number of properties within the smaller area


Consultation response rate

731 (33%)

Support for a residents parking scheme

448 (61%)

Against a parking scheme

282 (39%)

Preferred a full scheme

316 (52%)

Preferred a light-touch scheme

288 (48%)

Preferred Monday to Friday

244 (40%)

Preferred Monday to Sunday

372 (60%)


5.17    Officers have met with the Hollingbury & Stanmer Ward Councillors who have requested that they write to residents outside of the proposed scheme, the wider Hollingdean area, to advise of the implications of not being included in a residents parking scheme and to ensure that they do not wish to be included.


Withdean Area


5.18    Following ETS approval in October 2019 it was agreed to consult with residents and businesses in the Withdean Road area to find out if there was support for a residents parking scheme in this area.



5.19    A Brighton & Hove City Council Land and Property Gazetteer was used to provide 181 property address in the Withdean Road area. A questionnaire and frequently asked question sheet was sent to each address. Respondents were invited to complete the questionnaire and return it using the pre-paid envelope provided. The consultation ran from 10th June to 10th July 2022. A summary of the results is shown in the table below.


Number of properties mailed


Consultation response rate

104 (57%)

Support for a residents parking scheme

91 (88%)

Against a parking scheme

13 (12%)

Preferred a full scheme

38 (38%)

Preferred a light-touch scheme

63 (62%)

Preferred Monday to Friday

35 (35%)

Preferred Monday to Sunday

65 (65%)


5.20    Analysis undertaken of all the responses received from respondents and the full results analysis of the consultation including road-by-road results and area plan is outlined in Appendix E.


5.21    The next stage will consist of a consultation to the whole area on a light-touch parking scheme Monday to Sunday.


5.22    Officers have met with the Withdean Councillors who are happy with the way forward.


Top Triangle Area


5.23    Following ETS approval on 16 November 2021, it was agreed to consult with residents and businesses in the Top Triangle area to find out if there was support to move these roads from Zone V (Full Scheme Monday to Sunday, 9am-8pm) into Zone S (Light touch - Monday to Friday 11am to noon and 6 to 7pm).


5.24    This area was included in the original Zone S (Light touch) when the Hanover area scheme was implemented in 2017. In the review of the scheme in 2019, residents in the Top Triangle area were consulted in August 2019 and the area was moved into Zone V (full scheme).


5.25    A petition was then submitted to the ETS committee in September 2020 asking that this area be reconsulted to rejoin Zone S. The area was added to the parking priority timetable in November 2022.


5.26    Brighton & Hove City Council Land and Property Gazetteer was used to provide 266 property address in the Top Triangle area. A questionnaire was sent to each address. The consultation ran from 6th June to 30th June 2022. A summary of the results is shown in the table below.


Number of properties mailed


Consultation response rate

149 (56%)

Support to change back to Zone S

100 (67%)

Support to remain in Zone V

49 (33%)


5.27    Analysis undertaken of all the responses received from respondents and the full results analysis of the consultation, including road-by-road results and area plan is outlined in Appendix F.


5.28    Officers provided the Hanover & Elm Grove Councillors with the results of the consultation via email.


6.            Conclusion


6.1         As set out in the body of the report and the recommendations.


7.            Financial implications


7.1          The cost of consultation, advertising traffic regulation orders and designing resident parking schemes can be accommodated from existing revenue budgets. There are therefore no direct financial implications from the recommendations.


Name of finance officer consulted: Jill Scarfield Date consulted (23/08/22):


8.            Legal implications


8.1      There is no statutory duty to consult the public prior to advertising proposals to formally make a traffic regulation order. However, should the Council decide to carry out such consultation it must give conscientious consideration to the consultees’ responses and objections.


           Once proposals have been formulated the Council has a statutory duty, under the Local Authorities' Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996, to give public notice of the proposed order and for the relevant documents to be placed on deposit for public inspection. A period of 21 days must be allowed for objections to the proposed order to be submitted. Any objections duly made must be given consideration by the Council in deciding whether the proposed order should be formally made.


Name of lawyer consulted: Hilary Woodward     Date consulted 22/8/22 


9.            Equalities implications


9.1         Consultation took place and the comments and wishes of the respondents were taken into account when considering what changes would best meet the needs of those local population. Engagement with a wide range of residents has been built into the process from the start including an equality monitoring form. The use and analysis of data and engagement has informed the project to ensure it meets the needs of the local population. The proposed measures will be of benefit to many road users.


10.         Sustainability implications


10.1      Parking schemes can help to encourage less polluting travel options and reduce emissions. In addition, congestion can affect the reliability of journey times and long-term parking can reduce accessibility. Parking schemes can help to encourage alternative transport choices and higher turnover of spaces. Better accessibility through a high turnover of vehicles being parked helps to support local businesses.


Supporting Documentation


1.            Appendices


1.            Appendix A – Report, Results and Plan of Roedean Area

2.            Appendix B – Report, Results and Plan Hallyburton Road Area

3.            Appendix C – Report, Results and Plan of Hollingdean Larger Area

4.            Appendix D – Report, Results and Plan of Hollingdean Smaller Area

5.            Appendix E – Report, Results and Plan of Withdean Area

6.            Appendix F – Report, Results and Plan of Top Triangle Area


2.            Background documents


1.        Agenda Item 32 – Report to ETS Committee 8 October 2019

2.         Agenda Item 57 – Report to ETS Committee 16 November 2021

2.         Agenda Item 90 – Report to ETS Committee 15 March 2022